Thursday, April 11, 2013

Steampunk Project: Camera Obscura.

Working Olympus Trip 35 with new light seals. Leather aftermarket covers from Custom Leather camera strap from Gordy's Leather Straps. Top and bottom plates are originally silver. I scratched the silver paint hoping to expose real brass, but found aluminum underneath instead. Not wanting to go messing up a rare black Trip,which do seem to have brass top and bottom plates, I just used A combination of brass hobby paints to get this color.

Steampunk Project: Blaster

A plastic "Jango Fett" Star Wars toy painted.

Armouring project: Smallsword

Blade, grip, pommel: Zen Warrior Armory/Triplette Competition Arms. 
Knuckle Bow: American Fencer's Supply
The front guard, a brass disk, is a piece off a rapier hilt I had laying around.

The blade is 30 inches long, and the point of balance is about one inch from the front of the guard.