Sunday, October 14, 2012

Dog Chasing

This little dog caused a lot of trouble. He belongs to my neighbor. The dog is 12 years old now. His name is jay-Jay. My neighbor was cutting tree branches. When one fell, Jay-Jay got spooked and ran off the property and across a golf course with me and half a dozen golfers in pursuit. I hitched a ride on a golf cart to catch up with him, but lost him in the parking lot. I had a torn ACL half a year ago, and my right leg muscles are still a little weak and I don't run too fast yet. So there I am failing to catch a 12 year old Shi-Tzu with hip displasia. The golf course starts in the next town. a local suggested that we call the police because when someone finds a dog in that town they call the police first. So we called the police, and kept searching the neighborhood. Three hours later when we were out, the police called my neighbor and told him that someone was walking his dog back home. Jay-Jay had been a few blocks away hiding under her car. So, old Jay-Jay is back home now, and I think it's time to get his lo-jacked. It's a good end to the story, and I guess he has a tale to tell in whatever little doggie language he speaks.