Thursday, June 9, 2016

Game of Thrones 6-7 "The Broken Man"

We finally get to see Ian McShane for a single episode. McShane plays "Brother Ray", a character based on Septon Meribald in the books. Brother Ray is the leader of a small band of folk who worship the seven and are trying to build a peaceful religious community as war rages around them. Meribald/Ray finds the practically dead Sandor Clegane and nurses him back to health. In the beginning of the episode we find Clegane helping Brother Ray build a small wooden sept for the community. Ray is former warrior who turned away from violence and brutality. he was a short-lived character, but a perfect one for the guest actor, who gave a great "Deadwood"-like  performance. Alas, while Sandor was away chopping wood, all his new friends, including Brother Ray were slaughtered by armed worshipers of R'hollor, presumably the Brotherhood Without Banners.

Jon and Sansa are visiting the great houses of The North trying to recruit them to their cause. They managed to get the always loyal Mormonts and a few others, but, all in all, the Stark siblings are proving themselves to be unpracticed coalition builders. In desperation, Sansa sends a raven to Littlefinger.

Another sibling team, Yara, Theon, and their supporters have dropped anchor at a friendly port of call. Here we learn that Yara enjoys making love to wenches as well as any rogue, to the chagrin of Theon the Sullen. We also learn that she has plans to sail her own fleet to Meereen to find the Dragon Queen.

Jamie and Bronn arrive at Riverrun and are not impressed with the Frey brothers' siege. First the march the entire lannister army behind Frey lines, and the Freys don't notice. Then, the incompetent Frey brothers are threatening to cut unlucky Edmure Tully's throat. The grim Blackfish takes the measure of the brothers and sees they are not capable of doing it. And now we know why Walder Frey is a grouchy old bastard, his offspring are useless. Jamie parlays with the Blackfish who is not impressed with him, either.

At the Red Keep, Queen Margarey goes to her grandmother, the Queen of Thorns to convince her to get out of Kings Landing and flee for Highgarden. Margarey slips her grandmother a small piece of paper on which was a simple hand drawing of a rose. The symbol doesn't look like much, but it means that Margarey is only pretending to be drinking the High Sparrow's Cool-Aide.

In Bravvos, that old lady with the creepy smile was so obviously one of THEM, how did Arya not see? Arya still manages to escape after diving into a canal. She'll won't die today, and she might have to take down the waif, and maybe even Jaqen H'ghar, too, before she is free. Who will she find to help her with he knife wounds? I'm hoping it'll be her old dancing master. I like to think that Syrio Forrel escaped from Meryn Trant and his oafs and fled to Bravvos.

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