Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Game of Thrones 6-8 "No One"

Sandor catches up with the attackers form the Brotherhood. The first three, he cuts down with his axe. No sword, no armor, no shield, just the axe he was chopping wood with, and he brought down a gang of men-at-arms. He then finds the rest of the culprits with nooses around their necks and about to getting strung up by Beric Dondarion for their crimes. Sandor (who is not a man to let a dead man's boots go to waste), chit-chat's with Ser Beric and seems convinced to join up. It looks like The Brotherhood will be traveling north to join the fight against the army of the dead.

Brienne arrives at the siege of Riverrun and convinces Jamie to let her try to talk the Blackfish into giving up the castle to fight for Sansa. She fails, and Jamie sets Edmure, who is the rightful lord of Riverrrun free. Lord Edmure enters and takes command away from the Blackfish and then surrenders. In the books, this taking of Riverrun without fighting, signals the beginning of a new story arc for Jamie where he really starts to work on becoming a decent human being.

A girl, in Braavos, survives the waif and places the waif's face on the wall of faces in the Temple of Black and White, she walks away from Jagen and her life as no one. This completes the self-discovery part of her story. She had to become no one before finding out who Arya Stark of Winterfell really is. The Waif's makes a "and this is why I have to kill you" speech, which villains somehow can never resist. but in hearing it we finally get to know what she really was. The Waif wasn't a cold-hearted assassin, she was the one thing in the world more dangerous than that. She was a religious fanatic.

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