Monday, June 20, 2016

Game of Thrones 6-9 "The Battle of the Bastards".

I will not go into detail about the battle for Winterfell. I plan on doing that in a few weeks in the form of a correspondence written by a character I shall invent, a maester of The Citadel who was on on hand at the battle.

I dare say, giants, and possible historical anachronisms aside, this must have come pretty close to showing the horror of ancient warfare, especially when Jon nearly drowns in the crush of men when his small army was caught between the Bolton shield walls.

Our female protagonists who's slow ascension in a world of kings and warriors we have been watching for many seasons, indeed rise to prominence in this episode. Danerys, with all three of her dragons, makes the Master's war fleet feel the burn, and then makes a pact with Yara Greyjoy. Later, Sansa wins the war for the north by calling in her alliances while her kinsman, Jon, nearly gets himself and his Wildling army slaughtered by Ramsey's trained infantry.

There were three takeaway lessons in this episode.
1: Scoff not at the girl with dragons.
2: Believe your sister when she is telling you something important.
3: Remember to feed your dogs.

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